Friday, February 2, 2018

Week 2 Outside of Class

Storyboard Sketches and ideas

Top Left: My chinchilla can sit on my shoulder. I was thinking to add a small clip of him sitting on my shoulder, maybe while I'm on the computer or something. 
Top Right: I give my chinchilla a treat every day when I wake up, before I leave to go anywhere, and before I go to sleep. I could film a clip of me giving him a treat and have him take it and nibbling on it.
Bottom Left: As the ending, I could have a clip of a family member (or me) hugging my dogs, and having hearts pop up behind us in the background. Then have that clip fade out to National Love Your Pet Day showing up (Bottom Right). Obviously the text will be centered and proper. 

Below my first 4 sketches, I sketched out a storyboard of 9-12 frames. 
  • The first clip would be of one of my dogs, and him coming up to me, wagging his tail, and me petting him. (Frames 1-2)
  • The next 3 frames would be of my chinchilla coming up to his cage door, and then I would open it. I would pet him and give him a treat. 
  • The next two frames will involve my fish. I am going to be looking in the tank and it will be filmed where you see my face through the tank and you will see my fish swimming around. If that doesn't work out, I will film myself feeding my fish. Except I don't think the first idea will be an issue.
  • The next 3 frames will be where myself or another family member will be sitting on the couch, and the dogs will come up and sit on the couch with the owner. The owner will pet them and they will all sit together. Hearts will be animated into the clip, and then the clip will fade out into the last frame.
  • The last frame will show "National Love Your Pet Day" on the screen. I think I will handwrite it so it will apply more to the style.

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