Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Week 2B

Today in class, we went over some concepts for the quiz, and what's going to be on the quiz. The quiz is going to be open note, except you can only have one sheet of notes on only one side of the paper.

Notes we took for the quiz:

  • Shaky lines in rotoscoping are result of what is called "boiling" which is caused when an image isn't traced consistently from frame to frame.
  • Concept of the uncanny valley suggests that humanoid objects which appear almost, but not exactly, like real human beings evict uncanny, or strangely familiar, feelings of eeriness and revulsion in observers.
The rest of the class time was given to us to work on our storyboards. On D2L, we are supposed to post our storyboard ideas by Friday at 12:00 midnight. Make sure that:
  • Storyboards are clear
  • To create a thread with your name
  • Provide a short description (If you'd like)
We also need to respond to four other students by Sunday at 12:00 midnight. Make sure you:
  • Give thoughts on ideas and alternative directions
  • Around 200 or more words for each response
We also need to read pages 1-33 of "Animation Unleashed book" for the quiz, and we need to record at least one video of our scenes and bring the files into class next week. 

During Class

I came up with a few ideas during class time. 

Sketch 1:

This is the first sketch I came up with for a possible video scene. It's obviously a very sloppy sketch, but what I'm picturing is a dog laying down, with it's nose really close to the camera and kind of wiggling like it's sniffing the camera. I thought about including this to give the viewers the "cuteness" factor of pets.

Sketch 2:

This is the second sketch I came up with for a possible video scene. This would be a video of my fish swimming around in it's tank. Maybe I could get a video of me feeding my fish and film myself watching my fish swim around. (Film through the tank, so my face looks distorted or something like that)

Other Sketches:

After discussing my ideas with Pannafino, he suggested I hide the letters that spell out the word "pet" throughout my video scenes. I decided to draw them out in the sketches above. The couch represents a scene where one of my dogs would hop up on the couch with me or another family member and sit beside them. The letter "P" would be making up one of the arms of the couch. In the next sketch (below the couch) I tried to draw a fish castle with the letter "E" making up the castle. Deciding that's too obvious, I tried a different approach (Refer to the drawing of the castle to the right). I decided to make the fish castle, and have an E drawn on the side of the castle. After giving these ideas some thought, I decided to hide the word "pet" in each scene, instead of just a single letter. It might be obvious, but I believe it would get the message across more clearly.

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