Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Week 1B

Today in class, we presented our receipts to Professor Pannafino as proof that we completed our homework: To purchase the required textbook, Animation Unleashed: 100 Principles Every Animator, Comic Book Writer, Filmmaker, Video Artist, and Game Developer Should Know for class. We also watched a video on Rotoscoping, an animation technique we will be using for our first project. We also watched videos providing examples of what Rotoscoping looks like. 
Our first project is to create a digital message for a holiday. This project will be completed within the first five weeks of class. For homework, we are required to come up with three holidays we plan on doing by Friday at midnight. We also need to post 3 responses to other classmates' ideas on D2L by Sunday at midnight. Our ideas should be posted on D2L and on our process blogs.

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