Monday, March 5, 2018

Week 7A

In Class

In class, we discussed two people's stop-motion videos that stood out to Professor Pannafino. After that, we were introduced to our second project, which is a stop-motion animation. Using stop-motion animation, we have to tell a mythical or legendary story. The rest of class was given to us to do research.

I started by doing a google search:

Then I went to Images:

These are images that have inspired me after google searching "mythical":

This one is from Game of Thrones...Ah I love the dragons.

Then I did a search on Legendary Creatures. Didn't get as much results as mythical, but here are some that stood out to me:

And gryphons... because gryphons are cool.

Also found Mythological Figures. Here are some I am familiar with and would do a story with:

Medusa - One of the three Gorgons. Medusa is a horrible woman-beast with snakes for hair. Her gaze turns men to stone. She is killed by Perseus.

Not sure who this is...but looks awesome.

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